X12 Parsing with Loop detection.


Example of parsing a X12 file.


There are two steps:

  1. Load/Create the X12 configuration object (based on the X12 transaction) to be parsed.
  2. Parse the X12 file.

Load/Create a configuration object

Example of creating an X12 configuration object for a 835 transaction.

private static Cf loadCf() {

        Cf cfX12 = new Cf("X12");

        Cf cfISA = cfX12.addChild("ISA", "ISA");
        Cf cfGS = cfISA.addChild("GS", "GS");
        Cf cfST = cfGS.addChild("ST", "ST", "835", 1);

        cfST.addChild("1000A", "N1", "PR", 1);
        cfST.addChild("1000B", "N1", "PE", 1);

        Cf cf2000 = cfST.addChild("2000", "LX");

        Cf cf2100 = cf2000.addChild("2100", "CLP");
        cf2100.addChild("2110", "SVC");

        cfISA.addChild("GE", "GE");
        cfX12.addChild("IEA", "IEA");

        return cfX12;

For more details on creating configuration object check Creating X12 configuration https://code.google.com/p/x12-parser/wiki/exampleConfigurationLoading.

Parse the X12 file

// The configuration Cf can be loaded using DI framework.
// Check the sample spring application context file provided.

Cf cf835 = loadCf();
Parser parser = new X12Parser(cf835);
X12 x12 = (X12) parser.parse(new File("C:\\test\\835.txt"));

Double totalChargeAmount = 0.0;

// Calculate the total charge amount
List<Loop> loops = x12.findLoop("2100");

for (Loop loop : loops) {
    for (Segment s : loop) {
        if (s.getElement(0).equals("CLP")) {
            totalChargeAmount = totalChargeAmount + Double.parseDouble(s.getElement(3));
System.out.println("Total Charged Amount = " + totalChargeAmount.toString());```

Don't need the loops. Alternate way.
Double totalChargeAmount = 0.0;

List<Segment> segments = x12.findSegment("CLP");

for (Segment s : segments) {
    totalChargeAmount = totalChargeAmount + Double.parseDouble(s.getElement(3));
System.out.println("Total Charged Amount = " + totalChargeAmount.toString());